Mabe Pearl Studs
Oversized luxury for your ears! Sustainably sourced mabe pearl studs from the Sea of Cortez held in with 4 sharp eagle claw prongs. Each mabe pearl displays a rainbow of colors on a gray backdrop, giving you a new look at every angle. Each mabe pearl stud is 10mm in diameter. WHAT MAKES SEA OF CORTEZ PEARLS UNIQUE? All pearls we buy are from the Sea of Cortez in Mexico. Each mabe (flat-backed pearl) pearl comes from the rainbow-lipped oyster, a native oyster to the Sea of Cortez. When the oyster is discarded back into the sea, it decomposes without disturbing the natural ecosystem, unlike most farmed pearl oysters off the coasts of Asia.
Two 10mm round Mabe Pearl from Sea of Cortez, Mexico.
Unless otherwise noted, each item is made to order. Please allow 5-6 weeks for completion.